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High Economic Impact For Website Publishers Opportunity 2011

High Economic Impact For Website Publishers Opportunity 2011 - Superyacht Intelligence Agency has launched the Economic Impact Survey Report 2011, which they hope will help them to assess economic impact. Online surveys, provide data for global studies with the analysis include industrial, financial, employment, manufacturing impacts, goals cruising, charter and study the impact of consumption. for Publishers service providers .

View Google's Economic Impact Map - 2009 in a larger map
Google says, has provided $ 64 billion of economic activity for businesses, web site publishers and non-profit. This is a decrease of 18% of the total economic impact on this year. Here's how it works: for every $ 1 spent on Google AdWords business, they received an average of $ 8 in profit through Google Search and AdWords.

So how to get the solution, the opportunity

  1. Do what's best for the user. We make hundreds of changes to our algorithms every year to improve your search experience. Not every website can be out at the top of the page, or even appear on the first page of our search results.
  2. Provide the most relevant answers as quickly as possible. Today, when you type "weather Chicago" or "how many feet in a mile" into our search box, you get a straight answer often before you hit "enter". And we're always trying to find new ways to answer the question even more complicated only by clear and fast. Ad offers useful information, too, which is why we also work hard to ensure that our ads are relevant to you.
  3. Clearly label advertisements. Google is always distinguish ads from our organic search results. As we experiment with new ad formats and new types of content, we will continue to be transparent about what is advertising and what is not.
  4. Be transparent. We share more information about how we work than any other search engine ranking, we are through Webmaster Central site, blog, diagnostic tools, support forums, and YouTube. We also provide advertisers detailed information about the auction ad and tips to improve their ad quality score. We recently introduced even more transparency tools, announced major changes to our algorithms, to provide more notice when a website is down due to spam violations, and gives advertisers new information about ads that violate our rules.
  5. Loyalty, no lock-in. We are sure you control your data, so we have a team of engineers who only goal is to help you take your information with you. We want you to stay with us as we innovate and make our products better, not because you are locked in.
Source : http://googleblog.blogspot.com
High Economic Impact For Website Publishers Opportunity 2011

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